Hey, Lloyd.
Hey, Shannon.
Why do you have a cat on your shoulder?
Well, I’d rather be around cats. Thank you. I’d rather be around cats than around sick people.
Oh, well, should I be wearing a mask?
Well, it’s funny, are you trying to avoid cats?
No, I’m trying to avoid sick people as well.
Yeah, well you know, interesting enough the masks don’t help very much in keeping you from illness. Okay? Nor does hanging around cats.
But, right now, if you are feeling sick yourself, probably the most important thing you could do is when you’re taking care of others or close around others, actually keep them or help keep them safe by wearing a mask yourself.
So, it diminishes the spread of disease but it doesn’t eliminate it completely?
That’s correct.
So… what should I be doing if I’m not wearing a mask to protect from viruses?
Well, you know me and handwashing, okay. I’m a handwashing psycho, 20 seconds. Which, by the way, if you sing “Happy Birthday” twice; that’s roughly 20 seconds. Sing it to yourself! [Singing] “Happy birthday to me…” Rub really well because it’s the friction that helps remove the nastiness.
And for the girls with longer nails, even washing and getting underneath the nail bed is very important as well.
Handwashing, flu shots, try to avoid close contact with sick people.
And when you’re sick, it never hurts to wear a mask and search for that cat you can put on your shoulder also.
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